Life Care Planning

A life care plan is a dynamic document that is customized to your client’s specific injury and future treatment needs.  The development of this document is based upon published standards of practice, comprehensive assessment, data analysis, and research.  The life care plan is a document that provides a methodical and succinct plan for the client’s current and future healthcare needs, with associated costs, for catastrophically injured clients or those with chronic health needs.

EB Medical Planning will meet with treatment providers and clients, if authorized to do so.  We will also review and summarize all medical records.  Based on the interviews and reviews, we will construct a Life Care Plan specific to the client’s injury and healthcare needs.  

EB Medical Planning will clearly note all associated costs in the Life Care Plan.  The costs are based on community standards in addition to up-to-date research.  The life care plan and associated costs can act as a guide for managing the client’s long term healthcare needs.  

EB Medical Planning also offers services such as cost analysis, life care plan critique, medical record reviews and summaries.

EB Medical Planning serves in San Diego, Riverside, Orange, LA, San Bernardino

Please feel free to contact us in order to discuss your needs!

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